Friday 19 April 2013

7. Internet infrustructure allowing our connectivity.

The internet is a collection of networks, it is big and small. The internet works in an hierachy way. It is a global collection of networks both big and small.These networks connect together in many different ways to form the single entity that we know as internet, infact the very names comes from this idea of interconnected networks. Infrustructure refers to the organisations of its various parts and their configurationn, it works with wireless access.

( infrustructure

6. Encoding_UFT-8_

UFT stands for unicode transformation format. The "8" means it uses 8 -bit blocks to represent character. UFT-8 is a compromise charncoding that can be  compact and contain any unicode characters.It is also compatible.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

4. Examples of Technology that influence internet users relationships.

The three examples of technology i found were:

FACEBOOK- a well known networking service which helps students get to know eachother. On facebook users may create a personal profile and add other users as friends, exchange messages, including automatic notifications when people update their profile. The users of facebook may join common intrest user groups wgich are organised by workplace, schools, colleges or other characteristics and categorize their friends into lists such as "close friends". Facebook has over one billion active users. On facebook you can stalk your exes, remember our co-workers birthdays and bug our friends anytime or anywere in the world, with facebook it is faster to make contact with your friends and family all over the world faster, easier and also at a cheap rate.


BLACKBERRY MESSENGER (BBM)- with BBM you can send and recieve messages in seconds with up to 2000 characters, and you know when you messages are delivered and read. You can share photos, videos, voice notes and file up to 6MB, and show others what you are listernig to on your blackberry smartphone. You can scan barcodes, swop pins or use blacberry tag to add bbm friends. On BBM you can create BBM groups to message multiple contacts at once. To personalize your BBM you can choose your picture or animated avatar, add a personal message and customize chat bubble colours , with  BBM connected apps you can chat with BBM friends within your apps and select BBM contacts right from the app to invite them to join on the fun or download it.    

TWITTER- is a online social networking service and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text based messages. It is a real- time information network thatb connects you to the latest stories,ideas, opinions, and news about what you find intresting . Simply find the accounts you find most compelling and follow the conversations. At the heart of Twitter are small bursts of information called tweets, each tweet is 140 characters long. You can see photo's , videos and conversations directly in tweets to get the whole story at a glace. You can follow your favourite celebs and be updated on them eg. find out the latest gossips.


3. Robot Easter eggs

10 Internet Easter eggs

Definition : an internet easter egg is an intensional message that is hidden, or a feature which is a computer programme or crossword. it can be known as a secret message which is hidden in a distributed game.

en.wikipedia/wiki/easter egg-(media)

1.konami Code- a code sequence that appear in many video games that is old and new. There are two sites to view these humurous results.The google reader. Putting in codes that feed source menu with ninjas found in skinnablesharing pages.The trick works on . When you enter the code and press enter it will take you the cheat ection for contra a game on the nintendon entertainment system.


2.Yahoo singing yokel- this wonderfull yell- the sound of the  yahoo yoddler to hear it anytime just click on the ! at the end of the yahoo logo.

3.JetBlue wants a sandwich-infamous peanut and butter jelly time dancing banana was part of JetBlue's travel search site.when you type in "PBJ" into a search box while holding shift and clicking the search button would pull up a clip from fox's family guy  with the dog brain doing a dance. it was removed shortly after it was discovered.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45368065,d.d2k&biw=1280&bih=927&wrapid=tlif136618838529410&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=jWFuUfimFM_w0gXh24CIBA

4.Google easter eggs(3 parts)
  • Google Bombs-come and go. They are very nature depending on search relevancy, so no one google bomb will stick around forever.


    Google moon-google's mapping services are chock full of secrets. For a while google moon had a really great one. when zooming too far into the surface of the moon it became cheese, something that was later removed probably at NASA's request or improved topography

  • Ridiculous Language in google search- Admist the myriad of language options in google you'll find "bork, bork,bork"which serves up yuor results in the gibberish language of the fictionalswedish chef. In Looney Toons the language belongs to no nation or people.

     5. Awesome 404 pages-typing in a URL for a placeyou're not suppost to go usually yields a boring 404 message but some site creators have gone the extra mile to make sure you feel likr your getting your time worth.404 pages wuld come up.
    6. Facebook pirate language- this is a hidden feature that allows you to change ur languageto pirate that can be quiet fun. This pimps your profile by turning everything into pirate speak.
    7.YouTube snake game- this is where you can play a snake game in any youtube video. While you are watching a video and a snake game appears on the screen means you are killing 2 birds with one stone i.e watching the video and playing the game.
    8. Newsweek Zombi Attack- when you press UP,UP,DOWN,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,LEFT,RIGHT,B,A and ENTER-many barricodes come up that you cannot get rid off unless youexit the site.

    9.Mini cooper in reverse- on the mini USA web site (maker of carline) type "reverse" into search bar, a gear shift willappear in the lower left of the screen and if you click on it while holding the shift key, the entire site will be thrown in reverse and if you want to return to normal again you have to hit the gear shift again.

    10.Zerg Rush- the term rushing is commonly applied to many video games depending on the context. Letters eat up the screen leaving only the letters GG.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

My name is Denishka Deepchund. I am very ambitious 18 years old. I love fast cars and learning about cars. Listerning to music is the best remady for me. i enjoy spending time with my friends and going out with them. i enjoy shopping only when it is for me. i hate sitting at home and doing nothing i prefer being on the road.

A digital footprint is the information we leave online by interacting in the digital environment.My digital footprint is mostly on twitter and facebook.